11 Ways to Turn Your Travel Plans Green

woman packing a luggage for a new journey

Traveling is something that happens to everyone eventually, whether you’re visiting relatives on family holidays, traveling for business, or going on a well-earned vacation. Of course, for the frugal and environmentally conscious, you can’t help but notice that things like road trips, airports, and hotels tend to bring out the worst in us. Everything is … Read more

What Can You Do With Your Dryer Lint Instead of Throwing It Away?

Horizontal photo of female hand taking the lint out from dirty air filter of the dyer machine

Last Updated: 10/19/2021 As a responsible homeowner, you know that it’s important to clean the dryer’s lint trap before or after every load to ensure that it doesn’t build up too thick. Most of us had this rule drilled into our parents’ minds as we became old enough to do our laundry, though some people … Read more

10 Tips for Cleaning Towards a Greener Lifestyle

Cleaning service team working in living room

In the past five years alone there has been an overwhelming movement toward a greener lifestyle for both individuals and businesses. Solar panel installation has skyrocketed and people are beginning to wonder what of their daily routine can be changed or adapted to both save energy and do right by the environment. While you can’t … Read more

5 Tips for a Greener Move

A young couple moving into a house or apartment. Their pickup truck is full of cardboard boxes and furniture. They are smiling at the camera, lifting the boxes.

Moving to a new home is both stressful and exciting. You’re getting the opportunity for a fresh start but will have to plan one (or more) of the busiest days of your life. The average American moves twelve times in their lifetime. Last year alone, 43 million Americans went on this adventure. Given the stress … Read more

5 Green Life Hacks For Cleaning Your Home

Eco-friendly natural cleaning supplies made of lemon and baking soda on white wooden table

Most of us have a cabinet filled with spray bottles and cleaning detergents, but it wasn’t so long ago that keeping your house clean didn’t involve buying bottles of harsh chemicals. In fact, most of what our grandparents’ generation used to clean with were the same household staples they cooked with. These older methods are … Read more

Seven Naturally Green Tips For Healthy And Energizing Sleep

Side view of beautiful young woman smiling while sleeping in her bed at home

There’s a reason ‘sleeping like a baby’ means getting good deep sleep. As we get older, it becomes more difficult to let go of the day’s concerns and slip into a comfortable and restful sleep. When you can’t sleep, your mind churns and your body never quite settles. You find yourself having fitful dreams about … Read more