Does upgrading your flooring increase home value?

Flooring increase home value

It sounds complicated, inconvenient, and very, very expensive…so is replacing your flooring really worth it? Will it increase home value? Whether you’re renovating your current home or wondering what to do about the flooring in a new home, you may be wondering just how much to invest in the flooring. Does it really matter what’s … Read more

Bamboo and Eucalyptus | New flooring options for your home

Bamboo and Eucalyptus flooring options

When you’re thinking of upgrading your home, first consider your flooring. Above most other home improvements, one of the first updates for most people is hardwood floors. They’re lasting and elegant—but they also demand diligent care and can be costly to resurface or repair. Some homeowners resort to laminate flooring that only looks a bit … Read more