What Can You Do With Your Dryer Lint Instead of Throwing It Away?

Horizontal photo of female hand taking the lint out from dirty air filter of the dyer machine

Last Updated: 10/19/2021 As a responsible homeowner, you know that it’s important to clean the dryer’s lint trap before or after every load to ensure that it doesn’t build up too thick. Most of us had this rule drilled into our parents’ minds as we became old enough to do our laundry, though some people … Read more

Green Living: Eco-Friendly Projects for the Crafty Fashionista

DIY seamstress using upcycled fabric for eco-friendly projects

One of the most resource-intense industries in the world is the apparel industry. Plant-based fabrics like cotton usually cause deforestation for land and use up a lot of soil, which is a fast-depleting resource. Wool also takes a lot of land and other precious resources. And processing the fabrics and turning them into clothing takes millions … Read more

5 Tips for a Greener Move

A young couple moving into a house or apartment. Their pickup truck is full of cardboard boxes and furniture. They are smiling at the camera, lifting the boxes.

Moving to a new home is both stressful and exciting. You’re getting the opportunity for a fresh start but will have to plan one (or more) of the busiest days of your life. The average American moves twelve times in their lifetime. Last year alone, 43 million Americans went on this adventure. Given the stress … Read more

10 Ways To Save Money and Be Eco-Friendly At The Same Time

10 eco friendly tips for saving money

Going green can also fatten your pockets!  There are numerous benefits to living a more eco-friendly lifestyle but one of the most appealing is the fact that it can save you money. Today we’re going to outline 10 easy eco-friendly ways you can save money while helping the environment. Reuse Your Water Bottle Bottled water … Read more

Environmentally Friendly Ways to Get Rid of Home Renovation Scraps

How to recycle your home renovation scraps

Renovating your home is an exciting time. It’s easy to get carried away in the thrill of the project without thinking about the environmental consequences. In fact, over 30% of all landfill waste comes from DIY and construction projects. That’s a phenomenal amount. It’s sad to think that much of that waste could probably have … Read more

Can I Sell You The Bamboo Growing In My Yard, Property or Home?

Home-grown bamboo in gardens

We love when people try to recycle or reuse plants, materials, textiles, anything. At Ambient we’re often asked: Can I sell or donate the bamboo growing in my backyard? While we support recycling and re-use, unfortunately, the answer is no.  There are many different reasons for this – the key one being that the Moso … Read more

Sharing Is Caring – An Idea For A Greener Community

In the western world where items are mass-manufactured, there are few home goods, products, and luxuries that are unavailable or out of our price range; tools are churned out from low-wage continents, whilst electronics are shipped halfway around the world from China or flown thousands of miles from Mexico. With prices that have never been … Read more

The ‘Yuck’ Free Guide To Home Composting

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America has a problem. Almost 45% of all waste sent to landfills is foodstuffs and food packaging, and 4 to 10% of food purchased at the checkout won’t don’t even make it to our plates. This all makes for a pretty depressing reading, especially since there are life-threatening food shortages in all-too-many countries around the … Read more