The Future of Sustainable Building Materials

Since the introduction of Earth Day in 1969, the United States has been a leader in the “green movement.” People all over the country have said ‘yes’ to doing their part to prevent global warming and climate change, and to preserve our natural resources. Over the last 10 years, there has been an increase in … Read more

The Future of Sustainable Homes

When considering the environmental damage that’s done daily to the environment, most people think about industrial power plants spewing pollution into the air or the millions of gas-guzzling cars burning billions of gallons every week. But very few people stop and consider how much damage homes can do to the environment. Through electricity, heating, and … Read more

Unique Uses for Bamboo Flooring

Bamboo has become a very popular flooring choice in recent years. The natural beauty, combined with durability and affordability make it an attractive building material for homeowners. Bamboo also happens to be an extremely versatile material, more versatile than some would even imagine. Did you know you can put bamboo on your walls and even … Read more

Keep Expansion in Mind when Installing Bamboo Floors

Expansion gaps in bamboo floors

In recent years, bamboo flooring has become a popular choice among homeowners looking for eco-friendly flooring that won’t break the bank. It has also risen in popularity because it has a unique beauty characterized by its distinctive color and grain variations. These inherent variations are what set bamboo apart from all other natural flooring products. … Read more

How to Fix Scratches and Other Marks in Your Floors

Wood Floor Scratches

Whether you’ve got pets running around your home, kids running around your home, chairs scraping, or heavy pans dropping, you’ve got a perfect storm for creating dings, dents, and scratches on your floor. If you have a large disposable income, you may not mind paying a professional floor refinisher to fix scratches for you. But, … Read more

The Growth in Popularity of Eucalyptus Flooring

Because increasing numbers of consumers are requiring green materials to be used in the construction and renovation of their homes, manufacturers are answering the call and producing all sorts of environmentally-friendly products. Flooring is one particular material that has seen a range of green options in the last 5-10 years. First, there was bamboo flooring … Read more

Does the thickness of my wood flooring matter?

Does the thickness of my wood flooring matter?

When installing new hardwood floors in your home, one of the things you need to consider is the thickness of the planks. In the past, most wood floors were sold in 3/4″ thickness; however, as more durable floors appear on the market (like strand is woven bamboo flooring), the planks’ thickness has become less important. … Read more