Magnesium – A Game Changer for Sustainable Construction?

In the quest for sustainable construction, the spotlight is increasingly turning towards an innovative new solutions Traditional concrete is widely used in construction. However, its significant carbon footprint is a growing concern. This has spurred the search for sustainable construction materials. Enter magnesium-based concrete, a promising contender with the potential to significantly reduce the environmental … Read more

Move Over Old-School! Why MagPanel is the Future of Sustainable Subfloors

best subfloor material

The best subfloor material makes a world of difference! Investing in beautiful new flooring is a waste if it ends up squeaking, buckling, or failing because of a poor foundation. That’s why savvy homeowners are ditching outdated options and turning to something better: MagPanel. It’s not just a building material. It’s a stronger, healthier, and … Read more

Control Mold Like a Pro: 3 Easy Steps to Keep Your Home Healthy!

Control mold using natural methods

Mold is not only ugly, its dangerous. It can cause health problems, damage your home, and waste your energy. Such a nasty deal. Although you can’t eliminate it completely, you can keep things under control. We want to talk about how you can control mold in three easy steps, and keep your home healthy and … Read more

Discover MagPanel® – The Next-Gen Eco-Friendly Building Material

When sourcing eco-friendly building materials for your next project, don’t limit yourself to traditional options. Embrace the future of construction with MagPanel®, the next-gen eco-friendly building solution. What Exactly is MagPanel®? MagPanel® is a special type of magnesium oxide board. It’s a mineral-based building material that is far superior to plywood, oriented strand board, fiber … Read more

A Retrospective on Drywall Alternatives: Sean Payton, Levees, & Litigation

Hazardous building materials are a problem that cannot be ignored. Whether weak or toxic, these materials can be an enormous danger to habitants of buildings where they’re used. In the mid-2000s, hazardous drywall became a major concern for American homeowners across numerous states. From this problem arose an elegant solution: magnesium oxide panel as a … Read more

Why MagPanel is the Building Material of the Future

Believe it or not, basic building construction hasn’t changed that much in the last 100 years. Consequently, builders still frame, dry-in, do electrical and plumbing in pretty much the same order they did in 1920 (yes, people had electricity and indoor plumbing). But, what has changed are the tools and materials they use to do … Read more

MagPanel® Magnesium Fireproof Boards for Residential and Commercial Construction

The mineral magnesium oxide, also known as MgO, is the primary ingredient in MagPanel® (aka MgO board or magnesium oxide panels). MagPanel® is a fireproof construction material that is recently gaining popularity in the United States. MagPanel® is the perfect answer to construction needs in the home and commercial facilities because they are strong, durable, … Read more