Shopping Green This Holiday Season

For the 2022 holiday season, going green doesn’t refer to that nasty Grinch, it means shopping green. Most all consumers seek added value from ecologically-friendly products, but this is especially true for Gen Z. Savvy shoppers don’t fall for green-washing and dedicated environmentalists do a quick eye-roll when brands advertise their “eco-friendly” line of burgers, … Read more

How To Make Autumn Decorations with Green Materials

autumn decor tea cup mini pumpkin shawl

As the leaves change color and fall from the trees, it’s time to start thinking about autumn decorations. Make autumn decorations with green materials and reduce your environmental impact while celebrating the season. Sustainable materials replenish at the same rate or faster than they are consumed, and include renewable resources, recycled materials, and naturally abundant … Read more

Best Eco-Friendly Wood Types for Sustainable Furniture

Designing your home is no easy task. Especially when you’re looking for furniture that’s just as ethical and sustainable as it is elegant and functional. One of the main aspects that make furniture environmentally friendly is the wood that’s used as raw material. While the sustainability of conventional wooden furniture is still questionable, there are … Read more

3 Ways to Make Your Home More Sustainable With Biophilic Design

These days, concerns around sustainability are a popular topic. As temperatures rise, more people are concerned with energy saving appliances and helping the environment. When designing or upgrading your home, you have the opportunity to make sustainable choices that are better for the environment. Biophilic design describes architecture and elements that use the natural world … Read more

The Gasoline Carmageddon: Should You Still Buy Non-Electric Vehicles?

Nowadays, it can seem like electric vehicles (EVs) and their charging ports are everywhere you look. We all know that they’re good for the environment, right? Depending on where you live, you should get certain incentives for driving one, whether it’s a tax rebate or preferential parking, yet the upfront cost of an EV can … Read more

Solar Panels On The Rise: 10 Reasons to Make The Switch

From electric cars to sustainable flooring, and clean eating — many Americans are making the conscious decision to lessen their carbon footprint. As this becomes a cultural shift, we’ll see the benefits for years to come by switching to eco-friendly solutions for the demand to fight climate change.  The existing human population cannot use all … Read more

7 Steps for Summer Rain Garden Design

Rain is an essential part of nature’s cycle. Without it, waterways would dry up, disrupting water supplies and destroying ecosystems. However, consider how rain makes it back into rivers and lakes once it lands. What doesn’t flow directly into waterways absorbs through the earth. There, it collects into underground water sources, thus completing the cycle. … Read more

Green Landscaping: How Eco-Friendly Design Can Benefit the Local Ecosystem

Are you looking to go green with your landscaping? There are many easy ways to design your yard so that it benefits the local ecosystem. By choosing plants and features that support wildlife and attract beneficial insects, you can create a beautiful landscape while helping to sustain the environment. Here are a few tips for … Read more

5 Easy Changes for a More Green, Sustainable Lifestyle in 2022

Sustainability is a hot topic in every industry, community, and household. Whether you’re a construction worker or a stay-at-home parent, you’re probably racking your brain to figure out the best way to live a more sustainable, eco-friendly life.  But recent research, conducted by Dr. Diana Irvona from the University of Leeds, has uncovered the habits … Read more